Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase | Basteha

Iranian Packaging Designers Showcase

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آیلار پناهی
Designed By:

aylar panahi

work Title: Luxnix spaghetti
Category: Fresh Food
date: 1398
professional design
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امتیاز دادن به این اثر:

Luxnix spaghetti

Lux nix pasta packaging design Order from Iran The packaging design of luxnixs spaghetti and macaroni has been formed according to the history of macaroni production and the country and its initial purpose. The simple yet different luxury design of Nix makes it stand out and stand out on store shelves, and it is not inspired by other competitors, and the simplicity of the design can be an indication of its uniqueness. The window is used to see the product and help the buyer to sort out his purchase, and the type of window placement is designed in such a way that it does not reveal the broken pasta (during distribution and sale). The use of 2 colors, green and gold, makes the work look distinctive and stylish and provides the audience with the feeling of a new and high-quality product.

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